Bottled water vs tap water

Local Dentist Clontarf

Bottled water vs tap water Is it better for you, or just clever marketing? Getting people to buy bottled water when they can get water from the tap has been hailed as the marketing triumph of the century. So, why is bottled water so popular? After all, it’s no better at hydrating you than tap […]

Dental Surgery and Pregnancy

Local Dentist Clontarf

Congratulations on your pregnancy. It’s a very exciting and nervous time for a new Mum. There are so many do’s and don’ts to worry about. So what about dental work and your oral health? Dental cleaning and check-ups are not only safe but recommended. The rise in an expecting Mum’s hormones during pregnancy causes the […]

Welcoming our new staff members!

Fernando, Isabella & Kaitlyn. Lets start with Fernando. Fernando moved to Australia from Brazil in March last year. He has been working with us since September as a dental assistant. Before he moved to Australia he worked as a dentist doing a short course in implant dentistry and is now currently studying Marketing. Fernando likes to […]

Giving up the Dummy!

Local Dentist Clontarf

Parents with babies and toddlers will relate to dreading the time when the dummy needs to go. Chances are, a child will give up thier dummy eventually of their own accord. But that may be long after you really want them to, if you’re concerned about the possible implications, or by the looks they’re getting. […]

Smile it’s good for you

Emergency Dentist Mosman

SMILE…. ITS GOOD FOR YOU Have you ever wondered what happens when we smile??? Well, quite a few things actually… and they are all good things. If you are stressed or anxious, smiling can make you feel better as using the muscle to smile send a message to the brain that you are happy ( […]

I can hear a lion roar or is it just a snore?

Emergency Dentist Mosman

Are you aware that you snore? Do you feel tired during the day? Does your snoring disturb others? Do you wake up feeling tired? Is your concentration lacking during the day? If you answered YES to one or more Snoring can be a big problem and potentially affect not just one persons health but others […]