Interesting And Crazy Things You May Or May Not Know!

spit junction dentists

* Tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body; however, we do NOT recommend that you use your pearly whites to open bottles! * The plaque found on your teeth is home to more than 300 different species of bacteria. Listerine, anyone? * The average person spends about 48 seconds per day brushing […]

Looking After Your Teeth This Christmas

spit junction dentists

Looking After Your Teeth This Christmas With Christmas just around the corner, everyone is ready for the festivities to  get underway. Which happens to include indulging on sweets, champagne, fruit cakes, chocolates and other treats. Constant snacking and drinking unfortunately makes a miserable time for your teeth! This means it is important to be extra […]

Tooth Erosion

spit junction dentists

Erosion is the loss of tooth enamel caused by acid attack. Enamel is the hard, protective coating of the tooth, which protects the sensitive dentine underneath. When the enamel is worn away, the dentine underneath is exposed, which may lead to pain and sensitivity. Causes of tooth erosion Excessive soft drink consumption Fruit drinks Dry […]

Making time

spit junction dentists

I think we can all safely say that we put off things that we don’t enjoy and even though our team here at Spit Road Dental are fabulous, we understand that most of you don’t jump at the chance to be here. Regular checks are so important for all ages… ranging from the youngest, to […]

Why Fluoride Is Important For Your Teeth

spit junction dentists

Fluoride is a mineral found in food, water, plants and toothpaste. Brushing with fluoride toothpaste and drinking fluoridated water helps to protect teeth against decay. Fluoride is a mineral found naturally in rock, air, soil, plants and water. All fresh and sea water contains some fluoride. Many foods and drinks naturally contain fluoride. It is […]

Everything you need to know about a cavity

spit junction dentists

What is a cavity? Decay happens over time and the result is a cavity. Teeth are covered with a hard protective top layer called enamel. But once the enamel is weakened by acids produced by bacteria, a pit or cavity is formed in or on the tooth surface. Do I have cavities? Your dentist finds […]

The difference between Plaque and Tartar

spit junction dentists

Plaque is sticky and colourless; it contains bacteria that build up naturally on tooth surfaces and especially along the gum line. Sugars in food and drinks can combine with plaque bacteria to release acids. These acids attack tooth enamel and break it down, which can then create cavities. Plaque bacteria can also contribute to gum disease, like gingivitis. Regular […]

Thinking About Dental Treatment Overseas….?

spit junction dentists

We all look for and love a bargain in our everyday lives and try to “save” money in everything we do but sometimes the “cheap” option is the worst option and potentially dangerous… Trying to save money by having dental work done overseas can ultimately come at a very high cost in the long run. […]

Mouth guards and contact sports go hand in hand

spit road dental

Footy, rugby, netball etc are all contact sports and whilst you get your children’s kits and boots and headgear ready, remember to take the time to think about protection for their teeth. It is so important that team members wear a professionally made mouth guard to protect from possible injury. Most people are aware that […]

4 mistakes you make when brushing!

spit road dental

….. and why you should stop! Not brushing for long enough – The average person brushes their teeth for 45 seconds. Aim for two full minutes of brushing both morning and night, that way it gives your toothpaste enough time to do its job! Forgetting your tongue – Bacteria can live on your tongue, causing […]