do you know if your baby is teething? What symptoms should you look out
for? Here are some teething symptoms to keep an eye out for:
• Drooling.
It’s hard to believe so much fluid can come from the mouths of tiny
babies, but teething stimulates drooling, which usually starts from
about 10 weeks to three or four months of age or older.
• Teething
rash. If your teething baby is drooling, the constant drip may cause
chafing, chapping, redness and rashes around their mouth and chin.
• Coughing
and/or gag reflex. All that drool can make babies gag and cough but
it’s not a cause for concern if your baby has no other signs of cold,
flu or allergies.
• Biting.
Pressure from teeth poking through under their gums can cause a baby a
lot of discomfort. This can be relieved by chewing and biting, usually
babies will chew on whatever they can find to relieve the pain.
• Crying.
Some babies breeze through teething with hardly a whimper, while others
suffer from a good deal of pain due to the inflammation of tender gum
tissue. First teeth usually hurt the most (as do the molars, because
they’re bigger), although most babies eventually get used to what
teething feels like and aren’t quite so bothered later on. Talk to your
doctor about when to offer pain relievers.
• Irritability.
Some babies may be irritable for just a few hours, but others can stay
fussy for days or even weeks as those little teeth press on the gum and
poke through the surface.
Ian, the Mosman dentist. Dentist Mosman.