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Snoring appliances

Why do I snore?

Snoring may be instigated when the lower jaw relaxes during sleep. This movement reduces the airway passage within the throat, resulting in erratic vibrations – otherwise known as snoring.

Within our dental practice we have recognised the need for snoring treatment and are dedicated to helping you cope and eliminate this condition.

What snoring can lead to.

The more someone snores the more irritated the throat becomes. This irritation and swelling further reduces the airway passage and the problem then compounds. If you snore you are not getting the rest you should from your sleep. You may also be at risk of sleep apnoea, hypertension, heart disease and stroke. When you do not attain enough sleep you will feel lethargic and grumpy during the day. Other factors which contribute to snoring include being overweight, smoking, diminished fitness and excessive alcohol consumption.

We can eliminate snoring by stopping the jaw from relaxing during sleep. Dr Ian Yerbury will custom make a simple and comfortable appliance, worn while you sleep. This appliance will help stop you from snoring and make you feel refreshed and full of energy in the morning.


Speak to your Mosman local dentist to get the right advice. We are based in Spit Rd, Mosman, just a short drive from Neutral Bay, Cremorne, Balmoral, Seaforth, Balgowlah, Clontarf and Cammeray. Call our friendly team on  (02) 9969 4663

anti snoring device
Anti snoring appliance device

find out more (02) 9969 4663 or

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