
Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening Tooth Whitening is a very common procedure used in dentistry to cosmetically enhance your smile. Although there are…

5 years ago


In an article published in 1701 by John Stripe’s Life of Bishop Aylmer, we read that  Queen Elizabeth I really…

5 years ago

How many teeth do we have?

How Many Teeth Do We Have How many teeth do we have? Have you ever wondered that? Well, the answer…

5 years ago

Nail Biting Can Be Harmful To Teeth

Nail biting can be a hard habit to break — but if you don't, your dental health might suffer much…

5 years ago


Proper nutrition means eating a well-balanced diet so that your body can get the nutrients needed for good health and…

5 years ago

How to pack a tooth friendly lunch box!

You are what you eat. The age old saying! But what we eat isn’t only important for our general health;…

5 years ago

Tips on looking after your teeth over Christmas!

Christmas for most people is a time to overindulge. We don’t want to stop your fun, we just want to…

5 years ago

We don’t bite!

Dental phobia is extremely common. It is estimated that 75% of adults have dental phobia. There are a few reasons…

5 years ago

How often should I be changing my toothbrush?

The age old question that no one ever seems sure about the answer!  The general advice is to change your…

5 years ago

Hidden Sugars!

Sugary food is the number 1 cause of tooth decay and often people do not realise how much sugar is…

5 years ago